Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Colonialism comes to Canada

This first videos gives a brief history of early Canada. It's quick so pay close attention to the details:

Pages 119 - 128 in your textbook give some pictures of what life was like before European contact in North America. Be sure to review these pages before the unit test. Life was significantly different for First Nations peoples of Canada before Europeans arrived.
Based on what you've read in your text and the material we have covered in the video presentations answer the following question in the comment section below:
1. First Nation's lifestyle was significantly different before Europeans arrived. Describe two of these ways of life that have impressed you. Why have these practices faded away? Do you think it would be good to bring back these practices in some way? If so how? If not why not?
2. Read over the timeline Residential Schools in Canada given on page 183. Also read through the FAQ's of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found at this link. Based on this information and the video we watched in class, explain how the ideas of the White Man's Burden might have lead to residential schools? How did residential schools affect First Nations people? What do you think an appropriate response would be to the experiences that First Nations people had in residential schools?


  1. 1. There freedoms and there way of life of living off the land and off of the animals that are still on the land today. These practises have faded away because of the new ways of life and through all of the religion changes through the day to day lives. Yes i think it would be a good thing if you brought back there freedoms i think the people of today would appreciate it and learn something from them.
    2. Because the white man knew best back in those days. It was like the white man was a god and everybody around them had to obey there orders, just like the first nations did. The residential school affected the first nations badly, there language was lost and there freedom of speech was lost also. An appropiate response would be the First Nations lost all of there religion and all of their natural freedoms. They were beaten and sometimes raped. Didn't have a good response from any one of those people on the video.

  2. 1. Two ways of the First Nations life before the Europeans arrived that impressed me are their Matrilineal society, and how their main focus is on the woman not the men. Also the very strong belief and practices in their culture, and how it is their way of life. These practices have faded away because when the Europeans came they wanted to practice their culture on these people. Yes i think it would be good to bring back some of these practices because it would also be bringing back their old culture, and their religion and the way of like before the Europeans came.
    2.It may have lead to residential schools because the whites wanted the First Nations to be more like them and more educated . The residential schools were a bad place to be considering they were full of all types of abuse and the way they were treated wasnt right. Residential schools should of been shut down long before they were. I think thy changed peoples lives and gave them nothing but bad memories.

  3. 1) Everything was about the spirits and and they lived in harmony with nature. In some ways these practices have not faded, but have simply been put off as not important. Yes, because then people would maybe think twice about stuff they do. I honestly don't know.

    2)Well its was the idea that white men had an duty to educated the "barbarians". Residential schools were a place where "people of god" were abusive and violated the native americans. The a appropriate response would have been to listen to the people when they first started speaking out.

  4. 1. i kind of like the idea that the women kept their last name and that they had more say in the community. i think that these practices have faded away because when the white men came they were used to being in charge. i think that these practices should be brought back at least a little bit, because even now a days women are not treated the same as men. for example; when it comes to getting payed even if a man and a woman are doing the same exact job, same hours and everything, the man is usually payed more money.

    2. the white men thought that it was their duty to re-educate the first nations people. so i think they were starting to do so by taking the younger generations to change into "first class citizens". the residential schools made the first nations children lose their religion and their language. it made it so that when they were finally allowed to go home to see their families, they didn't 'belong' with them. i think that life for the first nations would be way different now a days if none of the things (rape, abuse, etc.) took place. they should not have had to go through any of this.

  5. 1. When the Europeans arrived it had a dramatic effect on the economical, social, and political lives of lots of groups. Conflict, disease, loss of resources, culture change, and assimilation which can lead to depopulation of a culture. They started sending children to residential schools the expression of many traditional cultures were threatened. I think it has changed today because the residential schools were for the most part not good at all alot of abuse and the kids were treated badly. I dont think it should be brought back. No one deserves to live each day like that. Also now people have freedom of religion and culture and no group can eliminate another culture today in society.

    2. Residential schools impacted first nations mostly negatively. There was no education they were treated badly and now it is in their memories for life some of the traumatizing things that happened to them. I think the First Nations experience at school was not always bad they did have fun sometimes but for the most part they were treated very poor and some terrible things were done. They lost their language, and culture they were abused and had no other way of life. They will have to live with the lasting effects for the rest of their lifes.

  6. 1. The ways that their lives impressed me is how free they lived, and how, for a lot of the part, how peaceful they lived, especially towards animals and nature. These practices faded when the europeans came and tried to force them to assimilate to their views, and this left them very hostile towards the white people. It would probably be really good if we brought back those practices. Maybe we could let them live the way they wanted to, and we could treat each other as equals and stuff.

    2. For the most part, the residential schools were supposed to help the first nations, and they saw it as their duty, or burden, to have them live their lifestyle; however, they were forced there against their will and had very harsh living conditions and they were terribly abused. They were affected for the worse. they had their culture and they way of life stolen.

  7. 1. I am pretty impressed by the ways they hunted and fished the animals without any guns. They made their own weapons and had to be sly enough to sneak up on the animal, I think it was amazing.

    -These practices have faded away because there are now easier ways to hunt and fish. And we don't rely on that food we can go to the store and buy all the meat we want. Well people still do hunt with spears and bow and arrows and stuff, but its just for the challenge not for the food as much. They don't need to bring them back because it was never gone to start with.

    2. I also like how they cared so much about the earth and what's on it and they took care of it. They never killed more than they could eat, or wrecked the ground or forest or anything.

    -It has faded away because people now don't directly depend from the earth, so they litter and stuff. But everything they do is going to harm them in the end. Yeah they are trying to bring these practices back but people don't care enough to follow them. There are even fines for that stuff.

    3. The white people were trying to assimilate the natives into what the whites wanted not what was best for the natives or what they cared about. To make them a higher class people. I think it was a stupid thing that the whites did and they didn't have the right to do that. Amen

  8. i think it was unique how they had specific material too burn for sins, also i find it quite unique how the older religion of natives lived off of buffalo. it has faded away because of the transorting and new upgrades on things. no because some of them wouldn be able too adapt too it . the white man was the dominate person back in the day. the first nations were affected by the residential school. the appropriate answer i think is it was a bad school and i don't think that school should have had the right too take the kids and force them into following the rules with no talking and no laughing or smiling or anything.

  9. 1. Two ways of life that have impressed me was their ability to live on the land and feed off the animals, and their religious practices. It impressed me because they work for their food, shelter, supplies and such by going out and hunting etc. They cant just run to the store. Also because their religious beliefs and how they practice them greatly. These practices have faded away because of new generations and the modern world. New technologies and style etc. Yes i think it would be good to bring back the practices because it helps the culture stay alive. It would be possible by telling stories by the elders, youth groups, and gatherings.

    2. It may have lead to the white mans burden because the white wanted First nations to be more civilized and educated and more like them. The residential schools wasn't to good because it was crude and abusive, and harsh living conditions. Also they lost their culture, language, and in some cases families. Residential schools should have been shut down long ago.
