Focus Question: To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?
In this unit we will look at the historical roots of globalization. We are going to be taking a whirlwind tour over roughly 400 years of history looking closely at Imperialism, Colonialism and how global expansion affected aboriginal peoples around the world. We will especially focus on the impact this had on First Nations people in Canada.
History is a tricky thing to think about. Things can get pretty stale very quickly if we are not careful to figure out why history is important. History is also tricky because as the old saying goes, “History is written by the winners.” This really means that history can seem to tell only one side of any story. In this course we are eager to learn new ways of considering multiple perspectives. As a result we are going to practice caution and respect for those points of view that are not always the talked about or overlooked. This is especially true in regards to First Nations people groups. But there are many stories that get overlooked if we are not careful. That is why we are going to make the “Yes But…” principle a habit whenever we look at an issue. The “Yes But..” principle suggests that for every point of view there is another one that might be equally as important to consider. Based on good critical thinking skills we are going to use multiple perspectives to help us figure out how historical globalization has affect our world and what an appropriate response should be from a good global and Canadian citizen.
The Unit
…divides fairly neatly into two parts. The first part we will look at the root causes of historical globalization and the second part we will evaluate its long term legacy.
Quizzes-------------------------------------- 10%
PostSecret Writing Assignment---------------- 5%
Current Events-------------------------------- 5%
Concept Blog Post---------------------------- 5%
Minor Projects (2)--------------------------- 20%
Major Writing Assignment------------------- 15%
Major Project------------------------------- 15%
Unit Test------------------------------------- 25%
Total 100%
Quizzes (Total of 4)
This will include the Djibouti Challenge and 3-5 short answer questions. These quizzes will short intended to help students master the basic concepts of the unit. Similar questions will appear on the final unit test.
Concept Post
Each student will complete one blog post for concepts/ideas related to this unit. The post must include a definition, an explanation of the term in your own words and a metaphor that helps classmates relate the idea or concept to other more familiar ideas.
Minor Projects
I will be asking students to complete their choice of 2 out of a possible of 4/5 minor project options. These projects will be designed to be completed individually or as a group. Rubrics will be provided.
Unit Test
Short answer, multiple choice type questions to test students knowledge of the material covered in the unit.
Major Project (Performance Task): (mock-documentary)
Students will work in groups to produce a mock-documentary regarding European first contact with various aboriginal groups around the world. Students will research the people group – looking for primary sources and oral histories, and other accounts to shape their knowledge of the first peoples. They will attempt to re-enact or in a simulated documentary style format present the lifestyle of these aboriginal groups and the impact of first contact from European Imperial powers. A class presentation will be an essential component of this task. Details to follow.
Defense of Position Essay
Students will choose a position on issues related to the legacy of historical globalization. Some choices may include: character analysis – villain or hero, trace the roots of imperialism from the perspective of a modern issue or problem, selected reading review. Length: approximately 750 – 900 words. Students may forego one of the minor projects and write a 1500 word review of The Heart Of Darkness by Josef Conrad. Students may suggest other topics to the teacher for consideration.
Text Book: Perspectives on Globalization
The World is Flat – Thomas L. Friedman
Unit/Class Blog Site: