Monday, April 4, 2011


1. A belief that the European worldview is superior to all others. (From Textbook)
2. The practice of viewing the world from a European perspective and with an implied belief, either consciously or subconsciously, in the preeminence of European culture. (From Wikipedia)
Eurocentrism is the belief that the Europeans had that they were, in their view, more advanced and more civilized. They saw the indigenous people from all around the world, like Africa Asia and the Americas, as lesser human beings than them and they would conquer their lands, they took them as slaves and treated them like animals. This resulted in the death and suffering of countless indigenous peoples.
A person who was raised on white sugar and has only ever had white sugar. Even though he has never tried any kind of brown sugars, he still believed that white sugar was way sweeter and tasted better. He believes that anybody who ate the dirty brown sugar wasn’t as good as him, and their sugar was even expendable.

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