1. The belief that one's own culture is superior to all others and is the standard by which all other cultures should be measured. (http://dictionary.refrence.com/browse/ethnocentrism)
2.The belief in the intrinsic superiority of the nation, culture, or group to which one belongs, often accompanied by feelings of dislike for other groups.(http://dictionary.refrence.com/browse/ethnocentrism)
My explanation of ethnocentrism is the tendancy to believe that one culture or ethnic group is more superior, better or more important than others and they compare others to themselves. Individuals will judge other cultures or groups, especially with language, traditons, behaviors, religion etc.

What does that food make you think? Delicious? Appetizing? Normal? In Thailand these are regular everyday snacks. If you were offered one would you be grossed out or look down on that person or group? What might be normal for you may not be normal for someone.
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