It is helpful to open a new blog post before you begin so that you can edit it as you move through this assignment. You can publish the post at anytime or save it to a draft if you feel it is not quite ready for the general viewing public.
Task 1
Choose one of the terms, ideas or concepts from the list below. Once you have chosen one identify your choice to the teacher. Concepts will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Once you have confirmed your choice with your teacher move on to Task 2.
Slave Trade
Indian Act
Divine Right o Kings
Industrial Revolution
White Man’s Burden
Assimilation (Ethnic)
Integration (Ethnic)
Segregation (Ethnic)
Task 2
Find two different but similar definitions of the term/concept. The two definitions should essentially say the same thing but in different words. The following is a list of resources that you can use to find definitions of your concept:
· Your textbook
· Wikipedia (this is good place to start but it is even better if you don’t need to use it)
· Online dictionaries/encyclopaedias
(A number of these resources are available in the handy sidebar of the class blog site)
Note: keep track of where you found the definition as you will need to create a link to the definition in your blog post.
Task 3
Write your own definition/explanation of the term in your own words. Here you may want to use ideas that we have talked about in class to help you rewrite the idea using your own words. Try to keep the explanation to about 3 or 4 sentences.
Task 4
Make a metaphor for the concept. A metaphor in this case is using another idea to relate the important aspects of the concept to something else. This is can be tricky but also very helpful for getting a handle on the concept you are talking about. Think of this task in this way…
(Your concept) could be compared to…
An episode in your favourite television show
Something that happens in your home everyday
A game or sport (or even a particular play in a game or sport)
A song/Playing an instrument/music/A sweet dance move
A story, novel, cartoon, character,
Food, cooking, meals
Build your own cartoon (see link on class blog)
Once you have settled on the metaphor find a way to visually describe your metaphor. You may do this in a number of ways.
· Make a short (no longer than 1 minute) video that shows off your metaphor
· Edit a picture or graphic to display your metaphor.
· Create something out of clay, Lego, etc take a picture.
The visual representation should be in some electronic format. If you are having difficulty getting your visual component into a digital format get help from your teacher.
The metaphor should appear in your post as:
· A metaphor statement: (Concept) is like/compared to…?
· A 2-3 sentence explanation of the metaphor. Note: if you are doing a short video of the metaphor you may omit this written explanation.
· Visual representation.
Edit your post and publish it to the class blog site. Use the following check list to make sure that you have completed all the tasks.
At least 2 different but similar definitions of the term (remember to put a link at the bottom of your post showing where you got the definitions from.)
A 3-4 sentence explanation of the concept in your own words.
A metaphor statement
A visual representation of the metaphor.
Once you have finished posting your concept to the blog-notify your teacher so that it can be marked. An example is provided on the website: HERE
The following rubric will be used as a guide in marking your concept post.
Mark | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Definitions | Two different but similar definitions that came from different sources. | Only one definition or the definitions were almost identical. | No definition at all |
Mark | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Explanation | Clear ideas expressed in statements that are easily understood. Student shows evidence of a good understanding of concept. | Somewhat accurate interpretation of concept. Language may need some clarity. | Student does not show understanding of the concept. Unclear description. Description is only a regurgitation of original definition. |
Mark | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Metaphor | Clear, memorable metaphor statement. Metaphor appropriately applies to the concept. Metaphor is clearly explained and useful for recall of the concept. | Metaphor statement lacks clarity/Metaphor does not relate well to original concept/Metaphor is not clearly explained | Metaphor statement unclear or not present/Metaphor does not relate to the original concept at all/no explanation of the concept |
Mark | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Details | Writing error free. Sources clearly sighted. | Some writing errors. Sources present but not clearly sighted. | Many writing errors. No sources. |
Total | /10 | (weighted a value of 5% of Unit Mark) |