Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Imperialism: From G's to B's

Early Imperialism was motivated by:
Gold (Goods) - getting the raw (and often exotic) materials from the new world colonies to produce wealth for the Empire/nation. (Think: mercantilism and slave trade)
Glory - discovering new parts of the world and claiming new territory for your expanding Empire/nation. (Think: Columbus or Sir Francis Drake)
God - converting as many people to Christianity as possible. (Think: missionaries.)
The New Imperialism had new motivations shaped by the new realities in the world.
Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution changed the economic landscape. Now the motivation to get raw materials was driven by European business owners (aristocrats). The methods of turning raw materials into manufactured goods were improving because of new inventions. Factories started to produce more stuff using relatively cheap labour. The bigger the business the better. Making a profit for your company became the most important thing. Colonies started to get upset with having to buy everything from the Mother Country when they could produce the same products themselves usually for cheaper.
The old motivation of Gold had now shifted to the Bottom Line

The old idea of Glory was wearing thin as well. Empires now realized the difficulty of keeping control of distant colonies that were starting to get politically unstable. Great Britain lost the American colonies and other colonies like India were close to gaining independance through force as well. Expanding the empire was no longer the concern. Now it was all about the pride of keeping as many colonies as possible and preserving as much of the empire as possible. Preserving the Empire became a major focus. Even much later on people like Winston Churchill refused to accept that the British Empire was going to fall apart.
Louis Pasteur
"I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire."
Glory and recognition now shifted to individuals. New scientific discoveries in medicine were made by people like Louis Pasteur (he is responsible for all those vacine shots you got as a kid). Charles Darwin made trips out to remote islands in the Pacific Ocean and then wrote the Origin of Species where he laid out the basic ideas in the theory of evolution.
The old motivation of Glory had now turned into something more like Bragging Rights
The old motivation to convert as many people for God had also some of its importance. Missionaries had been motivated to teach savages how to live good moral lives according Christian standards. While the drive to convert people remained, the idea of being superior to the ethnic groups found in the colonies expanded beyond just religion. This eurocentric and ethnocentric perspective was driven by the perception that Europeans were generally more advanced people. European advancement in production, new inventions, scientific discoveries, and sophisticated philosophies reinforced the idea that Europeans were better than other people groups. From that point of view it became the European's responsibility to 'help' the 'backward' people to become more European. A British writer named Ruyard Kipling captured the idea of European responsibility to the rest of the 'savage world'...
Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

Take up the White Man's burden--

And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard--
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
"Why brought he us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"
This poem demonstrates how Europeans considered themselves parents to the other races. Any resistance that Europeans faced from the colonies or other racial groups was seen as the burden they had to bear.
This advertizement for soap shows that cleanliness was seen as something that made white people better than other people groups. It seems crazy to think that a soap company could see itself as helping to 'clean' the dirt of the savages in other parts of the world. But in this eurocentric point of view everyone need to bear the white man's burden.
To the old motivation of God was now added a European or White Man's Burden.
It is easy to criticize the over inflated sense of superiority that dominated European Imperialism. This written response is intended to help you imagine what it would be like to have such a strong eurocentric perspective.

Imagine you are a British doctor who has recently accepted a position in a remote hospital in interior of India in the late 1800s. You have been taught the eurocentric values throughout your schooling. Everything has prepared you to do your duty to help these 'half-devil and half-child' type of people. You have been living in this remote village for several months. Write a letter to your mother and father about your experiences. Remember to tell them about how conditions in your village are different from life back home in England. Also remember to tell them why your work there is so important.


  1. Dear Mom and Dad,

    This place is a whole new way of life. The conditions are alright not as clean and organized as back home. It's not a very homely place i just can't get used to all of the people around me. The diseases that i see come in everyday in my room are so serial. The people are not clean and do not bathe often. It's really hard to treat when around the wound is so dirty. There is a very high alert of infection. This work here is very important to me, i want to make a difference in the medical field here and to teach them more hygene and to take care of them selves better, even with a little bit of water it can help. I hope i make a difference here be back home soon. Ali

  2. Dear mom and dad,
    India is not a clean place it has a lot of unhealthy people. People are racist believing white people are superior and Europeans also consider themselves as the best. It is different for me being British to adapt to their way of thinking. These people are backwards they are all very crazy and have strong beliefs as to what they think about others and the way things should be. The missionaries go around trying to convert people to Christianity, Europeans seem to be more advanced in technology, new inventions, science discoveries etc as they are taking over really. It is very unreal and I just go about my work and my own beliefs stay strong. I hope to help as many people as possible and try to embrace the way of life. Talk to you soon. Mikayla

  3. Dear mom and dad,

    It is a very different place here. It is harder for me to adapt to their lifestyle. The hygene isnt very good and it isnt as organzied as back home. Everybody has strong beliefs as to their religon and the way things should be. Missionaries here try hard to convert people to christianity. My work here is very important to me, i want to help them with better hygene and how to take care of themselves better. Im gonna stay strong. See you soon , candace.

  4. Dear mom and dad,

    Life in india isn't the same as back home. People here are very different. White people act as if they are the best. As a britain it so hard for me to adapt to their way of life. Missionaries go around all day trying to convert people to their way of life. Some of them seem way more advanced in technology that in britain. I am happy that i get to help so much people though even though living here is so hard for me.
    Yours truly;

  5. Dear Mom and Dad,
    This place is crazy, not even close to how it is at home. Its dirtier and people just dont have any personal hygiene. Its not the same being british at all, its hard to fit in. Its so hard to treat wounds when the skin all around it is digusting and dirty. Religion is huge here everywhere there are missionaries converting people. The white people walk around like they the best people. Hopefully it will get better as the days go on.
    Cant wait to see you again, Carson.

  6. Dear Mother and Father,
    Hows it going in England? Been on any hunts lately Father? Well the reason I am writing you is just to inform you a little about what is going on. Today I tried to treat a very sick little boy, he had Human Wolf Syndrome. It is a very nasty disease and I am afraid he will die shortly. It might be from the horendous foods they eat, or the ridiculous living situations they have to live in. It is very different here then in england snakes slither under my cot at night, sometimes I awake to a tarantula walking across my hand. There are no element tight buildings. Well tomorrow I must help a poor young man who has rotting teeth, I must pull them out one by one with my pliers. If I wasn't here these people would surely die from there diseases, sickneses, and lack of personal hygene.
    I love you both, but I cannot come home for quite a while yet. I will write to you later.
    From: Dr. Prince

  7. Dearest Mother and Father,
    I am most certainly not in Kent anymore. How I long to be home; however, it is my duty as a doctor and a Christian to bring these people to the Lord and to give them the health and knowledge that we enjoy. If it weren't for us they would have nothing and most certainly succumb to the Devil. The way they live is horrid, the children as well as the adult walk around in next to nothing, without homes and without morals. For many of the children, the only thing that covers the is the dirt from the street, many of them have never heard of soap. They treat us as pariahs and many of them want nothing to do with us, calling us bringers of death, but we still press on. Their food is rather unusual. If only they would let us eat one of their millions of cows, but alas, it is forbidden on account of one of their insane beliefs, having to do with one of their many demon gods, Gishna or Vishna or some other nonsense. The best part about their cuisine are the spices which make the food bearable, in some cases delicious. Their tea and their tobacco are top knotch and are the things that get me through this ordeal sane. I must take my leave now. I am very anxious to hear news from home.
    Your Loving Son,
    Dr. John Rompain

  8. dear mom and dad,
    how have you been ? its decent here but cant even begin to compare to home. its not very clean here at all. there are so many diseases i have come into contact with lately its insane. im lucky to still be healthy. Religion is a big deal around here. there are always missionaries everywhere trying to convert people and help people. its also really hard to fit in because the white people act like they run the place. i really miss you guys and everyone at home ! cant wait to hear back from you!

  9. Dear mom and dad,

    i miss you a whole ton, the way of life is so different here. This country is beautiful but so far in poverty, its hot here all the time, and there are always homeless people. Being here is almost scary, the way they try to push religion on people here and the amount of missionaries. Sometimes i think the people here are crazy, and they smell bad. I miss home! Living here and being British is hard. But i do my job and keep my beliefs strong.
    Dr.Kolbi Heggie

  10. dear mother and father,
    i miss you and being home. it is way different here in India, it could be pretty but it is so dirty where i am and the people can be a little scary. they have deaseases that i have never seen before and i must learn to treat. i am doing my best and hope that i can help these people. so far i am doing a wonderful job, well considering most of them do not want my help. i am treated like i am the one with the desease,like i am just going to start spreading it. i do not know exactly what i am going to do but i will keep trying and doing the best of luck. can't wait to hear back from you.
    love yours truly,
